
Video Walkthrough: 公園からの脱出 (Escape from the Park- no21park)

New game from NEAT ESCAPE!  Escape from the Park!

This story has two ending.  In the walkthrough I’m showing you the second ending.  See the annotations in the video to see how to get to the first ending.

If you want to see both ending, save the game after you get the blue key.

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Walkthrough here:


Video Walkthrough: Prison Escape

It has been a while since NEAT ESCAPE last released a new game.

This one is called Prison Escape.  I think it’s pretty fun, but a bit disappointing that a lot of the puzzles are from their old games.  Many rooms are very similar to some previous games and a lot of puzzles/ gears are exactly the same 😦

But there are also some new stuffs, so overall still worth playing!


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My walkthrough: