How To: Real Life Room Escape Games

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As a room escape game player, you may be aware that nowadays there are quite a lot of companies/groups out there doing real-life room escape games.  You can fairly easily find such play rooms in cities across the whole world.

As many virtual rooms as I have escaped in computer/mobile device games, I have only been to three real-life room escape games, yet I do had a lot of interesting findings I’d like to share with you.  This might help you to decide whether you should go play one, what you should do to success, or even if you are a newbie and wants to know what all these things are about.

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Video Walkthrough: Rental House

Hey there!  It has been a while since my last walkthrough 😛  getting pretty busy these days!  But here’s one that I finished today.  It’s called Rental House, by Terminal House.  This is probably my second favorite graphic style!  This style is very much looks like some of the MOFUYA games.


The ending is pretty funny– I was able to get this one because I accidentally clicked on the door several times during the game so I saw the guy trying to kick the door open 😀


The crystal ball part is a bit tricky– I first thought I have to use the flashlight somehow to shine through the ball, but no…


To see how to get the numbers, click “continue reading” so I don’t spoil the game!

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Video Walkthrough: Kitchen Room

Hey there!  I found this Japanese room escape game called Kitchen Room, by koji morimoto.  The graphic is really neat and the lighting in the room is really nice! 🙂  I guess that’s one reason that I tend to feature Japanese games– many of them have very comfortable graphic rendering.

This room is very easy, but the puzzles are fun.  I was stuck at the upper door of the fridge for a while, but once I figured out it was actually pretty nice!  Last time I tried to add annotation to my Youtube walkthrough, but it turned out that it wasn’t that convenient…  so this time I’m gonna try something different.  I will still upload the video to Youtube, but I will give out hints here in the blog so as you watch video, if there’s an ambiguity about any step, you can probably find my explanation in this post 🙂

Enjoy and happy escaping!

Click “continue reading” to see hints! 😀

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Game Showroom: unReal: Origin

Hey there!  I just did a walkthrough of another unReal game, so this one I’m not gonna do a walkthrough 😛  you can find plenty of walkthroughs online!  Just gonna do a showroom here for unReal: Origin, also by kouhei toyoshima.


Like I said, the graphic is super neat (my favorite style!) and I absolutely love the bright room.  Some escape game has weird room lighting…  this one is good.


Here are some screenshots:

unRealOrigin-4 unRealOrigin-3





Video Walkthrough: Box and Suit

Hey guys!  I’ve been really busy these days so haven’t gotten chance to explore around for more awesome games.  Today I came across a really short game but the graphic is a kind of fun so I decided to quickly do a walkthrough 🙂


This is Box and Suit by Koji Morimoto.  This is the same developer who made the Washitsu room escape.  This Box and Suit is really really short, and the items are a bit hard to use.  It seems that you just click two objects and they will combine, unlike other games, which is usually you open up one item, then ‘apply’ another one by click on the second object then on the enlarged first object.  But anyways…  here’s the walkthrough, and enjoy!



Game Showroom: Smart Room 1, 2, 3, 4

Hey guys!  So a few days ago I did a video walkthrough of the Smart Room 3.  I liked the game, so went to find all the other Smart Rooms out there and I was able to find four of them, all by MOFUYA.

I saw many walkthroughs online so I’m not going to do one myself, but here they are– if you haven’t tried, they are very fun and the length is good.  Some of the puzzles are challenging too.


Happy Escaping!


smart2 smart1

smart3 smart4


Game Showroom: Hat

Hey there!  This is gonna be a very easy one, but pretty fun to play.  I like the little hats in the room!  The game is called Hat, by Koji Morimoto.

I saw at least one video walkthrough of this game online, plus this is a very simple one, I’m not gonna do a walkthrough 🙂

Here are some screenshots:

hat3hat1 hat2 
